Incantation for the Rebirth (ø 29 cm)

Window fretwork with a poem
as a wool of tow resting upon a distaff
as a small bird leaning on a nightfall
is that wind

is that yarn
that ruffles
in between fingers

oh with a feet towards the ground -
'tis a thread into circle
with a feet towards the sky-
'tis a life into you


as a wool of tow resting upon a distaff
as a small bird leaning on a nightfall
is that wind

is that yarn
that ruffles
in between fingers

oh with a feet towards the ground -
'tis a thread into circle
with a feet towards the sky-
'tis a life into you




Wooden fretwork with a blessing for the Rebirth. Fretwork ornament is a beautiful choice for decorating a window or a wall.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg

Natural wood


29.0 x 0.2 x 29.0cm


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