Welcome to the EtnoDesign Giftshop. Souvenirs and stories to take away.
J. Basanavičiaus str. 3, the 1st floor, Vilnius
– We are located in the MO neighborhood.
– Look for the crossroad of two streets. Find a niche next to the art gallery ,,Meno niša”/ “Art Niche”
– There is a swirl in the niche. It is a good sign! 🙂
– Follow the EtnoDesign sign upstairs and come in.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-18
We live nearby, so do not hesitate to phone us and arrange a special meeting:
+370 620 30105
Or message us via facebook: https://www.facebook.com/etnodesign.lt/
Ruta and Linas